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We see discipleship as the equipping of others to know the heart of our Creator and grow in awareness of Him. It is deliberately shepherding a heart through time and proximity – requiring humility, mutual honesty, vulnerability, and laying down one's life for the benefit of others. 

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B.A.S.I.C. Training
Seven-week Discipleship Program

This ministry began a little over 40 years ago when Bob Warren, the founder, was asked by six college students to lead a Bible study. Throughout the years, the ministry evolved and expanded. Today, many high school and college students as well as adults of all ages visit The Hill to explore the heart of God, the grace offered through Jesus, and the freedom that belongs to those who have entered into relationship with Him. While the property is used for many events and guest groups, our heartbeat is personal discipleship.

This short-term discipleship opportunity is a new step for us. We have residents onsite for discipleship year round.  However, our new seven-week discipleship program will be a unique opportunity for several young men and women willing to make the investment.  The most important investment will be time. For seven weeks, these disciples will need commitment and focus to gain the maximum benefit.  Yes, there is a cost, but it is only to cover what expenses we foresee for food and housing. Much more information is available by clicking below.  Join us in praying for those whom the Lord might have in mind for this.




Resident Discipleship Program

The Resident Discipleship Program is a one-year residency at The Hill specifically for discipleship.  Residents have chosen to set aside 1-2 years to invest in their spiritual growth and knowing the heart of God more intimately.  This happens through individual and group Bible study/prayer/worship, one-on-one mentorship, living and working alongside other residents and staff, and interacting with one another in a free-to-fail environment.

*Applicants must be at least 18 by the required move in date.  Housing and all utilities are provided. Residents will either work part-time off of The Hill or attend college classes during their tenure.

Bible study leaders

Tues. Night Bible Study

The Tuesday night Bible Study has always been an important part of ministry at The Hill.  Started by Bob Warren over 45 years ago, it still continues with teaching by Dr. Dave Gibson. Join us at 7:00 pm at The Hill.


The Bible is foundational for just about everything happening at the Hill. It serves us as a grid through which every thought and decision can be compared. God's word is truth and reveals His character and Him Who is Truth–Jesus. Teaching His word has become a primary facet of discipleship at The Hill.

Making available some of the teachings recorded during events carries discipleship beyond our gates and furthers our vision of making disciples and equipping believers.

If you are looking for impactful and relevant Bible teachings, you'll find them here.


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