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Bob Warren’s Ephesians Commentary is a pleasing departure from the sometimes stodgy and impersonal reference books that line many of our shelves.  Rich with insight from a man who dedicated over 40 years to an in-depth study of the Scriptures, his Ephesians Commentary is enjoyable to read and a valuable companion for serious study.  In typical Bob Warren fashion, every phrase of every verse is analyzed, both in context with the rest of Ephesians and through the full counsel of Scripture, providing a fresh perspective on some of the Apostle Paul’s deepest thoughts.


Many “profound” truths are addressed in this epistle, yet, at the same time, it is so very practical. If you are interested in topics such as why man needs a Savior, spiritual gifts, what Paul means by the term “mystery,” predestination, the armor of God, husband-wife relationships and many other “meaty” issues, this book will challenge you. In fact, as far as the consistency of its content, it has been likened to eating a T-bone steak.  


Ephesians Chapters 1- 6 Audio Series:The audio series is presented in 55 lessons on USB. 


Free Download of The Principle of The Cross document

Ephesians Commentary

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