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Biblical Discipleship Excerpt

Section ll Week 3 Questions

FOURTH DAY — Memorize 1 Timothy 6:8

1. Read Numbers 13-14, realizing that Israel had moved from Mt. Sinai to a location south of the border of the land of Canaan (to Kadesh-Barnea—Numbers 32:8-9). Find Kadesh-Barnea on the map titled FROM EGYPT TO CANAAN. How did the people respond to the reports given by the twelve spies? From what is stated in Numbers 14:2, would you say that man normally desires to stay where he is spiritually (desires to die in the wilderness), or that he desires to go on to maturity (and face the challenges in Canaan)? Why is this the case? Which have you chosen to do, and why?

2. What impressed you about Joshua and Caleb? How did God respond when Israel wanted to stone Moses (Numbers 14:11-12)? How did Moses then respond (Numbers 14:13-19)? Would you have handled God’s proposition the way Moses did? Explain.

3. Read Acts 7-8 and record new insights.

Section II Week 3 Lesson:

We will now consider what happened to God’s people as they moved north toward the land of Canaan (you can follow this on the map titled FROM EGYPT TO CANAAN). Israel was camping in Kadesh, which was located just outside the southern border of Canaan, and the people had received the not-so-rosy report from the twelve spies (read Numbers 13). When they heard the report, they grumbled against Moses and desired to return to Egypt or else die in the wilderness (Numbers 14:2). (If we are not careful, we will desire to stay at the maturity level that we have attained and not pay the price to enter the land—to go on to maturity. We, many times, either want to go back to Egypt or die where we are). Notice Moses’ and Aaron’s response in Numbers 14:5, as well as Joshua and Caleb’s response in Numbers 14:6-9 (Also refer back to Caleb’s response in Numbers 13:30). These responses were based totally on faith, for they had nothing to do with the “circumstance” of the hour. As disciples, we can respond to adversity in this manner if we will but yield to God’s promises. However, the Israelites still desired to stone them (Numbers14:10).

No section of Scripture reveals more of Moses’ heart than Numbers 14:1-19. You might think that Moses would have been delighted with God’s idea of replacing Israel with a greater and mightier nation. But you must remember that Moses…

Third Day Questions:

1. Read Hebrews 1. Don’t forget to pray. Verse 3 states that Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory. How does this tie in with John 1:14. Challenge question: What comes to mind when you think of the glory of God?

2. Jesus is also the “exact representation” of His Father’s nature (v.3), which means that He is “an exact expression” of the Father. How does this relate to John 14:9? Hang in there, you are doing great!

3. Jesus also “upholds all things by the word of His power” (v.3). The word “upholds” actually means “upholding.” If so, is Jesus in heaven doing nothing, or is He actively involved in all facets of our lives? How does this encourage you?

4. After Jesus “made purification of sins” (v.3), what did He do? Does this confirm that Jesus’ sacrifice was the perfect and final sacrifice for sin, the sacrifice that forever satisfied the Father? If so, why? According to Romans 8:34, what is Jesus doing right now for all believers? What other encouragement should we draw from the fact that Jesus is “at the right hand of the Majesty on high” (read Luke 22:69)?


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