Bob taught this course throughout five semesters here on The Hill. The statement “Come now, and let us reason together” (Isaiah 1:18) confirms that God knows the value of reasoning through the issues of life. In other words, He understands the importance of thinking. This book has answers to a variety of issues if we will but commit to hearing all of what it is saying. Bob studied Isaiah for years and found it to be one of the most interesting sections of the entire word of God. Buckle up, enjoy the ride, and expect to be blessed beyond measure. This document contains over 300 pages of material. You will find that the notes associated with each of the verses covered in the book of Isaiah are pretty much self contained. In other words, no matter which passage you are researching, a good deal of information is supplied, either in the notes relating to the verse itself or in the notes associated with the verses in close proximity, to place it in its proper context.
Isaiah Audio Series--A series of seventy six audio teachings are available on USB covering all 66 chapters if you should be interested in digging deeper.
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